Big Data, Arctic Geo Data, and Hackathon Methods

In this free webinar, developers, satellite data providers, standardization experts will be introduced to Big Data technology and how it is being applied with Earth observations. You will also learn about Arctic geo data and fisheries statistics. Finally, you will learn about methods to cooperate in hackathons. Save your spot today and get reminders and replays directly in your inbox!

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Prague INSPIRE Hackathon 2019

The webinar starts in...


During This Webinar, You’ll Learn:

About Big Data Challenges for Earth Observation, the concept of Big Data, why is it a challenge in EO domain and how the H2020 project NextGEOSS is addressing these challenges.

Visualization of Arctic geo data and fisheries statistics 

Finally, you will be introduced to methods of cooperation in hackathons. Useful to know to benefit to the fullest from participating in hackathons, either the Prague INSPIRE hackathons, or others.  


The Prague INSPIRE Hackathon Webinar Series 2019

Over the last decade, Bente has helped organize and hosted multiple webinars for the Earth observation communities. In this webinar, she will facilitate presentations by top experts in the fields of Earth observation data management and make sure your questions will be communicated to the experts. See you there!

Bente Lilja Bye bw

Bente Lilja Bye - BLB, Plan4All, and NextGEOSS

Here's the experts:

Nuno Almeida

Nuno Almeida  

Nuno will introduce you to the concept of Big Data and how it is connected to Earth observations & how NextGEOSS is using it. 

Sarah Sharif

Sarah Sharif  

Sarah let us know about good approaches with respect to benefit from actively use hackathons to develop new information and results. 

Dmitrii Kozuch

Dmitrii Kozuch

Dmitrii presents ideas for visualization of Arctic geo data and fisheries statistics.

January 18, 2019 // 3pm CET 

Ready to learn about Big Data ?

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