FREE WEBINAR // JAN 16, 2019 // 12 PM CET
In this LIVE webinar you will learn about the Czech Smart Agriculture Innovation Hub and how the different stakeholders are able to share information and knowledge using different tools, technology, social media and more. Save your spot(s) today and agendas, reminders and replays directly in your inbox!
The webinar starts in...
We understand Smart Agriculture Innovation Hub as place, where all relevant stakeholders (farmers, foresters, service organisation, advisors, researchers, developers, technology producers) will have chance to meet and exchange of information. Smart Agriculture Innovation Hub will include social media orineted tools like forum and blog, there will be implemented science shop, where farmers and companies will have chance connect with researchers and important part will be demo applications. For developers Smart Agriculture Innovation Hub will also offer list of APi for testing.
Over the last decade, Bente has helped organize and hosted multiple webinars for the Earth observation communities. In these webinar, she will intoduce presentations by top experts in the fields of Earth observation data management and make sure your questions will be communicated to the experts. See you there!
Bente Lilja Bye - BLB, Plan4All, and NextGEOSS
Karel will talk about how the team is working on the topic of Smart Agriculture Innovation Hub as part of the Prague INSPIRE Hackathon
©2018 INSPIRE Hackathon